Dissecting Open Edge Computing Platforms: Ecosystem, Usage, and Security Risks

Emerging in recent years, open edge computing platforms (OECPs) claim large-scale edge nodes, the extensive usage and adoption, as well as the openness to any third parties to join as edge nodes. For instance, OneThingCloud, a major OECP operated in …

Command Hijacking on Voice-Controlled IoT in Amazon Alexa Platform

Stealthy Peers: Understanding Security and Privacy Risks of Peer-Assisted Video Streaming

Peer-assisted delivery network (PDN) can significantly reduce the bandwidth cost incurred by traditional CDN services. However, it is unclear whether they have been deployed extensively and their security implications have never been investigated …

Shining Light into the Tunnel: Understanding and Classifying Network Traffic of Residential Proxies

Port Forwarding Services Are Forwarding Security Risks

Reflected Search Poisoning for Illicit Promotion

Illicit Promotion on Twitter

Enabling Privacy-Preserving Cyber Threat Detection with Federated Learning

SpamDam: Towards Privacy-Preserving and Adversary-Resistant SMS Spam Detection

An Empirical Study of Storj DCS: Ecosystem, Performance, and Security

In the age of pervasive computing, traditionally centralized cloud storage (CCS) services may not fit in well due to their centralized architecture, limited worldwide availability, high expense, and security and privacy concerns. To address these …