Emerging in recent years, open edge computing platforms (OECPs) claim large-scale edge nodes, the extensive usage and adoption, as well as the openness to any third parties to join as edge nodes. For instance, OneThingCloud, a major OECP operated in …
Peer-assisted delivery network (PDN) can significantly reduce the bandwidth cost incurred by traditional CDN services. However, it is unclear whether they have been deployed extensively and their security implications have never been investigated …
In the age of pervasive computing, traditionally centralized cloud storage (CCS) services may not fit in well due to their centralized architecture, limited worldwide availability, high expense, and security and privacy concerns. To address these …
We carry out the first in-depth characterization of residential proxies (RESIPs) in China, for which little is studied in previous works.Our study is made possible through a semantic-based classifier to automatically capture RESIP services. In …
In this research project, up-to-date SMS spam campaigns are harvested by means of a continous and intelligent pipeline. An extensive measurement is also conducted with insightful security observations distilled.
detect and understand how mobile devices are recruited to serve as web proxies
How can millions of residential IPs serve as traffic exits in commercial web proxy networks?
How can millions of residential IPs serve as traffic exits in commercial web proxy networks?